Sunday, February 24, 2008

GDC 08


release date:june/17/2008

genre: action/platformer

publisher: sony computer entertainment

developer: high impact games

platform: psp

combat: martial arts(clank-fu)

weapons: upgradeable guns with limited ammo/ray gun= transforms enemies into pigs :),cuff link bombs

gadgets: homing razor bowtie,rocket boots,inq squirting pen= disables security systems

features: camouflage = potted plant,statue,time pressing stealth kills ,upgradeable/mod weapons

minigames: car based challenges,snowboarding,rhythm sneaking

other playable characters: ratchet,quark

quark weapons: blaster

quark gadget: vacuum= sucks up the bombs thrown at you

ratchet weapons: lacerator,shard gun=shoots chunks of ice/freezes enemies,walloper=glove charges and delivers and electrified punch

levels: prison,artificial history museum

demo: sony said there would be a demo but they didnt have a specific date

blogger comment: clanks turn to shine

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